Jobs for Retirees- Search Tools
If you are looking for a traditional jobs for retirees, whether part-time or full time, retiree job search sites are a good place to get started. Unfortunately there is no one good source for over 50 jobs, all of them are a bit short on specificity or actual plus 50 results. Use them to give you ideas about other places to look. Not every company posts jobs online outside of their own website, so be creative. See a job you like but it’s far away? Look locally for the same kind of company but go right to their website’s jobs or careers page.
Here are a few of the best places to see a wide variety of traditional workplace jobs for retirees all in one place and easily searchable on any of these sites. Check them all out, many listing are not cross-posted or shared.
We Like These Site for Jobs for Retirees…
Retirement Jobs
Retirement Jobs seems to be the sole remaining website that actually takes the time to certify whether jobs are over-fifty friendly. When you do a search on this site you have the opportunity to check a box narrowing to age-friendly results. Most of them are by a few well known companies and are legitimate, but beware a recent bout of work from home opportunity postings that seem less credible.
This is the place lots of people look first, because the employers are asked questions about friendliness toward 50+ applicants when they post. It is limited however, since posters pay to be included. A great place for idea, especially if you live in a larger metro area.
Workforce 50
This website lists all kinds of jobs, not exclusively for retirees, but willing to consider those over 50 equally as applicants. Most of the positions seem to be available on other more generic sites, but it’s worth a skim for your area. The search tool is lacking lots of features like limiting by full and part-time, category, etc. but don’t want you to miss a rare exclusive posting so included these folks in our results.
More Job Search Sites
These are the best general search sites that we know of. Not specifically for any age range or life status, just good solid resources for job availability.
Screen these jobs carefully. Some are scams, but many are authentic postings from small companies without the budget to advertise on commercial sites. Find your area specific site and start your search under the Jobs section.
Potentially the largest employment search site in the United States, with great filters. We visit this site frequently.
With reviews, estimated salaries by position, real life prior applicant interview questions, and other tools, this site is super great for research as well as job postings.
If your goal is re-entering the workforce as a professional in an office setting, this site is the go-to. Serious applicants should first set up a detailed public facing profile, and then set their status as available to consider opportunities. If you’d just like to search available jobs before making that level of commitment, their search tool is a good insight into who’s hiring.
More Helpful Income and Job Related Pages
Don’t miss our ideas on working from home, jobs for couples, and other less than traditional ways to create a side income that fits your needs. We have an absolute storehouse of advice on starting your own business or creating an online income as well. Please browse some of the following when you have time.